As of 1 January 2024, Sonja Schwetje stepped down as Chair of the Enex Board of Directors to focus on the strategic priorities in her positions as Managing Director Programming at RTL Deutschland’s news channel NTV and as Editor-in-Chief of Business & Networks at RTL News.
The role of Chair at Enex, RTL Group’s global news organisation, has been taken over by Simon Hof. Simon started his career at RTL Deutschland in 1997. Among other projects, he led the establishment of a central sourcing unit, founded a verification team at RTL News and was responsible for the editorial management of prime-time format RTL Extra. Simon currently serves as Head of Journalistic Services at RTL News. He is a member of the RTL News Board and the RTL Deutschland AI Circle.
Simon Hof says: “The mission of Enex is a matter close to my heart. The exchange of journalistic content and knowledge is an important advantage for all members. This needs to be further expanded and the strategic goals set need to be pursued. I would like to thank Sonja for her great work. I am very much looking forward to the new task and am grateful for the trust placed in me.”
Sonja Schwetje, who celebrated 25 years at RTL Deutschland last year, has served as Chair of the Enex Board of Directors since June 2021. In her position, she advocated for collaboration, independent journalism and verified information – the cornerstone values of Enex.
Sonja Schwetje says: “Having served as Chair of Enex is a huge privilege. Enex is an organisation that values partnerships, press freedom and the diversity of opinions – topics that I feel strongly about. I am proud of the work we have done in the areas of disinformation, media literacy and reliable news, especially in the age of AI, and wish all the best to Simon Hof.”
Under the leadership of Adrian Wells, Managing Director of Enex since 2014, Enex has strengthened its position as an association that its members rely on for trusted and verified news, even during challenging times such as the Covid crisis. Over the past years, Adrian has led the organisation through a journey of digital transformation, with Enex recently launching a next-generation video distribution platform that uses a range of AI capabilities.
Established in 1993, Enex (European News Exchange) is owned by RTL Group, RTL Deutschland, Groupe M6, RTL Zwei and RTL Belgium and acts as an international news agency for RTL-branded stations as well as more than 50 other news organisations around the world. Enex celebrated its 30th anniversary in October 2023 at RTL City in Luxembourg – the birthplace of the organisation.

Oliver Fahlbusch
Executive Vice President Communications & Investor Relations, RTL Group
+352 / 24 86 5200

Irina Mettner-Isfort
Vice President Media & Investor Relations
+49 221 456 56410