Mutual respect and trust between employees, business partners and all stakeholders, as well as a clear commitment to compliance with the law and regulations, are essential and necessary for RTL Group to be successful in business.
To ensure compliance, RTL Group has established a compliance organisation and a compliance programme. The programme highlights the importance RTL Group attaches to issues of compliance with the law and social responsibility.
RTL Group supports Group companies in complying with laws, regulations and corporate policies, promotes an ethical corporate culture and strengthens trusting relationships with our business partners, who expect to be able to rely on RTL Group as a legally compliant business partner.
The basic element of the compliance organisation is the Code of Conduct. This sets out the binding minimum requirements for responsible and legally compliant action within RTL Group as well as vis-à-vis business partners and the public.
The Code of Conduct summarises laws and other rules that are of particular relevance to us and provides guidance. Everyone in the company is obliged to comply with the principles set out therein.
The Code of Conduct comprises 21 principles and also provides guidance on appropriate decision-making and provides information about the speak-up channels provided by the company.
At RTL Group, employees, business partners and third parties have the opportunity at any time to ask questions or to express concerns about possible misconduct confidentially and securely.
Employees who address actual or suspected misconduct in good faith must therefore not experience any disadvantages. When processing reports, the rights of all parties concerned are respected and fairness, appropriateness, confidentiality and a transparent procedure are taken into account when deciding on disciplinary measures.
You can contact people in your local work environment to ask questions about the Code of Conduct or to report violations of the Code of Conduct or Compliance policies. These are, for example: your superiors, your management, your local compliance responsible, your HR or legal department, or – where available – your employee representatives.
If you do not want to address your concerns locally or if you do not find adequate support there, you can contact the Compliance Department in RTL Group's Corporate Center. There, your request will be processed under the imperative of confidentiality and compliance with all applicable data protection regulations. All indications of possible compliance violations are investigated.
You can reach RTL Group Compliance Department by email at compliance@rtlgroup.com or by phone at +49 221 456 56620
A communication system is also available for reporting material violations of the Code of Conduct. This system is available in several languages and can be reached by phone and online. It allows a reliable dialogue with RTL Group's compliance department, secured by special encryption and anonymous on request.
You can access the system here: rtl.com/speakup
You can also contact an external ombudsperson appointed by RTL Group. The role of the ombudsperson is to advise and support whistleblowers as a neutral and independent contact person in clarifying a suspicion of material violations of the Code of Conduct.
The ombudsperson treats communication with the whistleblowers confidentially and only passes on facts and the identity of the whistleblowers to the company with the express consent of the whistleblowers.
Ombudsperson for Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia (located in Germany)
Tel. +49 (0) 32-211 11 23 39
Toll-free: 0800-664 78 79 (from Germany only)
Ombudsperson for North and South America (located in the USA)
Tel. +1 646-981-07 53
Toll-free: 877-278-03 03 (from USA only)
Meet the ombudsperson
In the event that individuals still do not wish to entrust their compliance concerns to one of RTL Group’s points of contact, they may alternatively turn to the relevant external reporting bodies. External reporting channels are increasingly being established, especially for member states of the European Union. An overview of existing external reporting channels is provided here and will be continually updated.
RTL Group's Compliance Department conducts various training courses to provide employees with appropriate information about the company's laws and policies, to raise awareness of appropriate behaviour in risk areas and to familiarise them with existing tools. The training programme is continuously updated and supplemented to specific target groups on individual topics.
The main training courses are:
- Code of Conduct training (for all employees) – web-based or as face-to-face training
- Training on anti-corruption & integrity (for employees in relevant functions)
- Antitrust training (for employees in relevant functions)
RTL Group is committed to equal opportunities and promotes a working environment of respect and tolerance, where the value and dignity of each individual is recognised and all employees treat each other with courtesy, honesty and dignity. RTL Group does not tolerate any discriminatory behaviour.
The RTL Group Code of Conduct stipulates that RTL Group does not tolerate any discriminatory behaviour towards employees or applicants on the grounds of ethnic origin, nationality, gender, pregnancy or parenthood, marital status, age, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation or other grounds covered by the prohibition of discrimination.
Harassment, bullying and sexual harassment are also prohibited. The RTL Group Supplier Code of Conduct also obliges business partners to ensure a working environment that is free of discrimination.
For this reason, employees who exercise their rights under the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) or other anti-discrimination laws must not suffer any disadvantages.
Our business partners can rely on RTL Group as an honest and legally compliant partner. RTL Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct requires all business partners who act for, together with or on behalf of RTL Group to also observe minimum legally compliant standards. RTL Group requires its business partners to pass on these minimum requirements along their own value chain to any third parties employed by them (subcontractors, etc.) who may work for RTL Group and require them to also comply with these standards.
RTL Group is actively committed to fighting corruption. As expressed in the Code of Conduct, the company maintains a zero-tolerance attitude. Any kind of corruption will not be tolerated.
As an international media company, RTL Group actively participates in foreign trade. RTL Group ensures systematic compliance with all applicable foreign trade law regulations through a Group-wide Foreign Trade Law Compliance System.
In almost all countries, relationships and agreements with competitors, suppliers, distributors and distributors that affect fair competition are prohibited by law. Antitrust law applies to every area of our business – at every level. It is one of RTL Group's principles to ensure that the Group's business activities are in line with the general rules of antitrust law at all times.
It is therefore imperative that RTL Group management and employees are fully informed about the requirements of antitrust law applicable to their business. All business units are required to take all necessary measures to ensure compliance with applicable antitrust law. This includes, in particular, training courses offered by RTL Group's Compliance Department.