With an audience share of 11.6 per cent among 14- to 59-year-olds, RTL Deutschland’s flagship channel RTL was ahead of all other channels in Germany in January. In the target group of 14- to 49-year-olds, the audience share was 12.7 per cent – 3.6 percentage points ahead of its nearest competitor. Among the younger target group of 14- to 29-year-olds, this gap was even wider with 7 percentage points.
The first month of the year also brought a new record for RTL+, with even more programme starts on the streaming service than the previous record in October 2023. Below are the content highlights that drove these successes.
Entertainment for the whole family
Hit reality show Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus! (I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!), which returned with its 17th season in January 2024, achieved the highest reach of the month. The opening episode on 19 January was watched by 5.31 million viewers above the age of 3 – the best start for the jungle show since 2020.The second episode set a new record, with over 4.68 million viewers tuning in to the broadcast from Australia. On average, the 13 live episodes achieved a 31.9 per cent audience share in the 14-59 target group and 36.4 per cent among the 14- to 49-year-olds.The show was also a big success on RTL+, securing first place in January in terms of programme starts. The follow-up programme Die Stunde danach (The after hour), in which presenters Olivia Jones and Angela Finger-Erben discuss the latest developments and welcome experts, former contestants, family members and other guests, also generated high viewing figures.Wer wird Millionär? Die 3-Millionen-Euro-Woche (Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The 3-million-euro week) also achieved outstanding ratings. On 5 January, more than 5.19 million viewers watched the quiz show, achieving a 22.3 per cent total audience share – a new record for the programme since 2020.Other series which drove the success of RTL+ in January include UFA daily soap Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten (Good time, bad times), RTL+ dating reality programmes Are you the one?, Love Fool and Die Bachelors, and children’s series Neue Geschichten vom Pumuckl (Pumuckl’s New Adventures).Sports & crime series
The NFL games continued to bring excitement and good ratings in the new year too, with the championship games attracting up to 1.48 million American football fans. The championship game between defending champions Kansas City Chiefs and top favourites Baltimore Ravens on 28 January achieved an audience share of 10.7 per cent among 14- to 59-year-olds and 15.6 per cent among 14- to 49-year-olds. With an average total audience of 1.22 million viewers, the game is the most-watched of this season’s playoffs. It attracted 240,000 more fans than the game at the same kick-off time last year.The success story of RTL Deutschland’s Tödlichen-Dienstag (Deadly Tuesday) continued in January. Up to 3.56 million viewers watched the crime series Dünentod - Ein Nordsee-Krimi (Dune Death - A North Sea Thriller) on 23 January, reaching a 13.8 per cent total audience share.News & information
Through several different formats, RTL Deutschland offers factual and unbiased news around the clock. RTL Direkt, presented by Jan Hofer, set new records in all target groups with its broadcast on 22 January. The audience share among 14 to 59-year-olds was an outstanding 33.2 per cent, while this was even higher – 38.2 per cent – in the 14 to 49 target group.Both RTL Aktuell and RTL Nachtjournal increased its viewership in January compared to the same month last year. Flagship news programme RTL Aktuell achieved an excellent audience share of 18 per cent in the 14 to 59 group, while RTL’s late-night news programme recorded 13.3 per cent in the same target group. With an average audience share of 11.5 per cent (14 to 59-year-olds), midday news programme Punkt 12 recorded an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to January 2023.
Oliver Fahlbusch
Executive Vice President Communications & Investor Relations, RTL Group
+352 / 24 86 5200

Irina Mettner-Isfort
Vice President Media & Investor Relations
+49 221 456 56410