Analysts’ coverage
Date1 Bank Analyst Latest recommendation Target price (in €)
06/07/2023 Barclays Capital Julien Roch Equal weight 37.00
17/03/2023 Bernstein/Société Générale Annick Maas Market perform 28.00
11/07/2023 Citi Thomas Singlehurst Buy 39.00
21/02/2025 Deutsche Bank Nizla Naizer Hold 35.00
11/12/2024 JP Morgan Daniel Kerven Overweight 38.00
14/11/2024 Kepler Cheuvreux Conor O'Shea Hold 38.00
16/08/2024 LBBW Sarah Lenz Buy 31.00
16/01/2023 Oddo-BHF Jérôme Bodin Neutral 35.00
22/01/2024 UBS Adam Berlin Neutral 21.40
21/03/2024 Warburg Research Jörg Philipp Frey Buy 34.00

1) Date of first issuance of the recommendation

Recommendations by financial analysts play an important role in helping investors make decisions. With a total of 10 brokerage firms and financial institutions covering RTL Group, the share is broadly covered. The current average target price is €33.64.

In order to discuss RTL Group’s strategy with its current investors and to present the company to existing and potential new investors, RTL Group's Executive Committee and Investor Relations team participate in various conferences.


Source: Bloomberg 28 October 2024





Oliver Fahlbusch

Executive Vice President Communications & Investor Relations, RTL Group

+352 / 24 86 5200


Irina Mettner-Isfort

Vice President Media & Investor Relations, RTL Group

+49 221 456 56410
